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Image by Toa Heftiba

Supportive Services

Our Supportive Services provide comprehensive assistance to refugees, such as rental assistance, technology support, and ancillary support. We are dedicated to creating a safe and secure living environment for refugees and ensuring they have access to the resources needed to thrive.

Process of Supportive Service Reimbursement

Please contact your case manager to discuss your eligibility for Supportive Services. Supportive Services will be given case by case depending on current budget funds at the time. 

Image by Annika Wischnewsky


Enroll in Supportive Services at Bach Viet: A Pathway to a Brighter Future for Refugees

Image by Hunters Race


Creating A Home Away From Home: Finding Placement Opportunities With Bach Viet

Clients must be employed to be eligible for Rental & Ancillary support.

Image by Oliur


Bach Viet: Accessing Essential Supportive Services

Clients will be able to discuss needs for supportive services with their case managers and receive reimbursement for Ancillary/ Rental Assistance or Technology support.

Hardware Tools

Ancillary Support

Are you fresh on the job and need a uniform and work tools?

Do you need proper work shoes? 

We can reimburse you for ancillary needs! 

Discuss with your case manager and our staff members will gladly walk you through the process!

*Only work-related items are eligible for reimbursement

Rental Assistance

Our refugee non-profit organization provides rental assistance reimbursement on a monthly basis for those in need. Eligibility for these services is determined on a case-by-case basis. To learn more about rental assistance, please speak with your case manager. 

Shake hands at office

Bach Viet Association

1050 Fulton Ave Ste 110, Sacramento, CA 95825

Phone: (916) 481-0340

Fax Number: (916) 481-2815


©2023 by Bach Viet Association.

Website created by Angela Thao, Tiffany Kim, & Ryan Ibarra

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